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Facebook Integration (API)

1. Update integration permissions

To manage integrations for your business on Facebook, you have to:

1. Click on your profile picture in the top right corner of your Facebook page.

2. Select Settings & privacy, then click Settings.

FB settings and privacy

3. Click Business Integrations on the left side.

4. Search for the re:spondelligent business integration and click View and edit.

FB business integrations

5. In the following tab, enable all permissions. Here you can also select the Facebook pages for which you want to update the settings. Don’t forget to click the Save button.

FB permissions

2. Remove integration and add the Facebook platform

Another option is to remove re:spondelligent integration and connect the Facebook platform again as described in our Get Started article. To remove integration:

1. Click on your profile picture in the top right corner of your Facebook page.

2. Select Settings & privacy, then click Settings.

3. Click Business Integrations on the left side.

4. Search for re:spondelligent business integration and click Remove.

FB remove permissions

5. Follow the steps from this video to connect Facebook to the re:spondelligent app.